AFSL No. 253125
ABN: 71 106 823 241
Rhonda is the director of Essential Financial Advice Services Pty Ltd who is a corporate authorised representative of Politis Investment Strategies Pty Ltd ABN: 71 106 823 241, an Australian Financial Service Licence holder, No. 253125.
Rhonda Futterleib is authorised by Politis Investment Strategies Pty Ltd to:
a) provide general and personal advice in relation to the following:
(i) bank deposit and payment products;
(ii) the Licensee's managed discretionary account service;
(iii) sale or transfer of listed securities (where such listed securities were
held by Clients prior to becoming a Client) to a licensee managed
discretionary account;
(iv) the establishment and the winding up of a self managed superannuation fund;
(v) the commencement and commutation of superannuation pensions and withdrawals of lump sums; as well as making all types of superannuation contributions;
(vi) the rollover and transferring of accumulated superannuation membership benefits from an existing superannuation entity to a self managed superannuation fund;
(vii) a regulated superannuation fund entering into a borrowing arrangement in accordance with the rules specified in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993;
(viii) gearing for investing in financial products, however no margin lending
advice or advice in respect of such facilities or the like in respect of
financial pro are authorised, except when advising on the repayment
of debt within existing margin loan facilities or any other
such facilities; and
(ix) sale or transfer of investments from a managed investment scheme that is not otherwise within paragraphs (a)(i) to (a)(viii) above into a financial product in accordance with paragraphs (a)(i) to (a)(viii).
b) provide general advice in relation to securities.
c) provide general advice and personal advice regarding risk products and participation in superannuation funds in relation to risk products issued by life risk insurers that have been approved by Politis Investment Strategies.
The Financial Planners of Essential Financial Advice Services provide financial advice as an authorised representative of Politis investment Strategies Pty Ltd.
Politis Investment Strategies Head Office Location
1st Floor, NCYC Commercial Centre
91 Hannell Street, Wickham NSW 2293